Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Xenologue 1: Family

 First off, we have my mother, Dorothy Schock, and my two dogs. My mom is an aesthetician and published novelist from Portland, Oregon. Pictured with her are our two dogs at Summer Lake.

 This is my sister, Alexa Schock, on her 25th birthday--note the tiara. She is a preschool teacher in Portland, Oregon who will soon be embarking on a quest that will hopefully end with her attaining her masters degree.

 These are my mom's and my dogs. The one on the left, Domanic (pronounced Domanique--it's my sister's fault) is mine. I have had him since the last day of fifth grade, making him eleven years old right now. Currently, he is probably one sad little boy. The dog on the right is Monkey, because she looks like a monkey. I think that we were channeling the future ghost of Stephen Pastis when we named her.

 This is my dad's dog, Karma. It was a very nice picture, until Photo Monkey photobombed. As such, it has been put away for the duration of training. Karma is eight years old, and still full of energy.

 This is my dad, Michael Schock, sitting in his office in Hood River, Oregon, posing with Photo Monkey. He is a stock broker, and quite good at what he does. He also enjoys many of the outdoor activities made possible by his scenic environ.

 This is my step-mother, Angela Schock (ne. Burns) posing with Photo Monkey in the kitchen. She is the head of staff for someone in Hewlett Packard, and she and my dad are about to celebrate their one year wedding anniversary.

Lastly, this is me at my dad's Toastmaster's group. The plaque with the rock--a piece of the Blarney Stone, actually--was bestowed temporarily to me because I gave the best table topics speech, while the scales were given to me for being the best evaluator. Never mind that I didn't know that I was to be an evaluator until I got there and my dad volunteered me, but I guess that years of improv have paid off.

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