Wow, I would like to apologize for a bit of yesterday's blog post (though, for reasons, I'm not going to modify it at present). I got a bit too holier-than-thou at parts, and posited some political views. While I do not apologize for holding the latter views, I do not believe that this is necessarily the forum to share them. I want this to be a space where everyone can feel welcome, and airing those views could turn people away. In terms of the holier-than-thou attitude, I do apologize for my words. I am very lucky to have the opportunity to even be able to apply for a job like this, much less have that job. I know that a lot of people say that we should travel when we're young, but for a lot of people that's just financially infeasible. So, I apologize for taking my privilege for granted. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy New Year.
Speaking of new year, it is a tradition in Japan to take a bath infused with yuzu--think a diminutive ugly fruit--and to eat kabocha. I don't know why, and none of the Japanese people that I asked knew either.
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